4 Temmuz 2009 Cumartesi
son zamanlarda paris askım yenıden alevlendi. bu şehri görmeyi gerçekten çok istiyorum. herkes gibi Eyfel in önünde resim çektirmek için değil de oradaki insanların resmini çekmek, bi cafeye oturup geleni geçeni seyretmek için... buradaki insanların tarzı çok hoşuma gidiyor. uzun zamandır style and the cityi ve bettyi takip edip,daima hayran kalıyorum. bu işi gerçekten iyi biliyorlar. öyle dünya güseli falan değiller ama kendilerine baktırmak, beğeni toplamak konusunda hepsi master degree :)))
ben de üşenmedim araştırdım. nedir bu bayanların sırları diye. işte buyuralım...

Galadarling blogunda diyor ki;
Parisian women know the importance of good basics
..... They all had great coats, scarves & good winter boots...... everyone had them. They were good quality coats, clean & smart-looking. This is not to say that they were expensive necessarily, but they were definitely well-made & stylish.
Parisian women seem to grasp the concept that a coat, scarf & boots are going to be their major sartorial staples for at least a few months, & so they buy with this in mind. If you think about it, during winter, all anyone really sees are your coat & shoes, so it makes total sense to get the best you can.
Parisian women work from a consistent colour palate
There was not a lot of colour to be seen in Paris, at least when it came to clothing ....they have probably determined ahead of time what works for them & their skin-tone, & they stick to it.

Parisian women don’t want to look “perfect”
....Parisian women often wear their hair loose & down, tucked into their scarf or coat if the weather is horrible, or pulled back in a messy chignon..... this is not to say that you can leave the house with soup stains on your skirt & safety-pins holding your sleeve together. It’s about looking effortless, not being effortless! Allow yourself to get a little dishevelled. If you don’t know how to make that happen, get dressed, then have sex, then leave the house. Simple, non?! :))))))
Parisian women don’t wear a lot of make-up
One thing I heard years ago was that French women aren’t wild about make-up, but they are crazy for treatments, potions & powders....I barely saw a lipsticked mouth the whole time I was there. Most of them seemed pretty content with a bit of foundation, rouge, eye-liner & mascara.

Parisian women keep it simple
P.S. o dönem en moda ne varsa (geçen kış için ugg botlardı mesela) onu giyip kendini ikon!! zanneden kızlardan çok daha hoş ve gerçek görünüyorlar.... tabi bu benim nacizane fikrim ;)
ben de üşenmedim araştırdım. nedir bu bayanların sırları diye. işte buyuralım...
Galadarling blogunda diyor ki;
Parisian women know the importance of good basics
..... They all had great coats, scarves & good winter boots...... everyone had them. They were good quality coats, clean & smart-looking. This is not to say that they were expensive necessarily, but they were definitely well-made & stylish.
Parisian women seem to grasp the concept that a coat, scarf & boots are going to be their major sartorial staples for at least a few months, & so they buy with this in mind. If you think about it, during winter, all anyone really sees are your coat & shoes, so it makes total sense to get the best you can.
Parisian women work from a consistent colour palate
There was not a lot of colour to be seen in Paris, at least when it came to clothing ....they have probably determined ahead of time what works for them & their skin-tone, & they stick to it.

Parisian women don’t want to look “perfect”
....Parisian women often wear their hair loose & down, tucked into their scarf or coat if the weather is horrible, or pulled back in a messy chignon..... this is not to say that you can leave the house with soup stains on your skirt & safety-pins holding your sleeve together. It’s about looking effortless, not being effortless! Allow yourself to get a little dishevelled. If you don’t know how to make that happen, get dressed, then have sex, then leave the house. Simple, non?! :))))))
Parisian women don’t wear a lot of make-up
One thing I heard years ago was that French women aren’t wild about make-up, but they are crazy for treatments, potions & powders....I barely saw a lipsticked mouth the whole time I was there. Most of them seemed pretty content with a bit of foundation, rouge, eye-liner & mascara.

Parisian women take their time
This is not to say that they dawdle or plod around, because they certainly don’t. But the French, generally, understand that time is precious, & they make the most of it. Yes, they work hard, but they also make time to relax & look after themselves
They make time to have a bath, go for walks & spend time with their friends. They’re not constantly running around with dangerously high blood pressure. They understand that life is about balance. Life doesn’t have to be perfectly structured & pulled tight in order to be satisfying. They’re okay with letting go of the reins.
They make time to have a bath, go for walks & spend time with their friends. They’re not constantly running around with dangerously high blood pressure. They understand that life is about balance. Life doesn’t have to be perfectly structured & pulled tight in order to be satisfying. They’re okay with letting go of the reins.
Parisian women keep it simple
Parisian women seem to manage to avoid the temptation to load on accessories & gee-gaws. Maybe they all subscribe to Coco Chanel’s old adage of “take one thing off before you leave the house”, or maybe the overdone look just doesn’t appeal as much. Regardless of the reason, it’s much easier to look chic & polished if you have fewer elements fighting for attention.
Parisian women wear heels
.... the most important thing to realise is that yes, a lot of Parisian women wear heels a lot of the time, but they wear heels they can walk in! & stand in! & actually feel alright in! Sometimes this means a little kitten heel, & sometimes it means something higher, but you really won’t know until you try something on. My point is, Parisian women make the effort with their footwear but they don’t murder themselves in the process.
P.S. o dönem en moda ne varsa (geçen kış için ugg botlardı mesela) onu giyip kendini ikon!! zanneden kızlardan çok daha hoş ve gerçek görünüyorlar.... tabi bu benim nacizane fikrim ;)
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