3 Aralık 2011 Cumartesi
07:09 | Gönderen
salomé |
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"I was suffering the easily foreseeable consequences. Addiction is the hallmark of every infatuation-based love story. It all begins when the object of your adoration bestows upon you a heady, hallucinogenic dose of something you never dared to admit you wanted-an emotional speedball, perhaps, of thunderous love and roiling excitement. Soon you start craving that intense attention, with a hungry obsession of any junkie. When the drug is witheld, you promptly turn sick, crazy, and depleted (not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place but now refuses to pony up the good stuff anymore-- despite the fact that you know he has it hidden somewhere, goddamn it, because he used to give it to you for free).
Next stage finds you skinny and shaking in a corner, certain only that you would sell your soul or rob your neighbors just to have 'that thing' even one more time. Meanwhile, the object of your adoration has now become repulsed by you.
He looks at you like you're someone he's never met before, much less someone he once loved with high passion. The irony is,you can hardly blame him. I mean, check yourself out. You're a pathetic mess, unrecognizable even to your own eyes. So that's it. You have now reached infatuation's final destination-- the complete and merciless devaluation of self."
— Elizabeth Gilbert
Next stage finds you skinny and shaking in a corner, certain only that you would sell your soul or rob your neighbors just to have 'that thing' even one more time. Meanwhile, the object of your adoration has now become repulsed by you.
He looks at you like you're someone he's never met before, much less someone he once loved with high passion. The irony is,you can hardly blame him. I mean, check yourself out. You're a pathetic mess, unrecognizable even to your own eyes. So that's it. You have now reached infatuation's final destination-- the complete and merciless devaluation of self."
— Elizabeth Gilbert
16 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba
11:18 | Gönderen
salomé |
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Robin: Kevin, I did something bad
Kevin: Look, I don’t care about every detail from your past, and I hope you don’t care about mine either. What I do care about is you, and that from tonight forward, you’re in this as much as I am. What do you say?
Robin: I’m such a mess. Why do you even like me?
Kevin: I am constantly amazed by the things you say, and tranced by the things you do. And unlike a certain jalapeno coconut vodka martini, you’re easy on the eyes.
And if we’re together long enough, I hope that one day you see yourself the way I see you...
13 Kasım 2011 Pazar
06:25 | Gönderen
salomé |
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You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went;
you can swear and curse the fates
but when it comes to the end,
you just have to let go...
you can swear and curse the fates
but when it comes to the end,
you just have to let go...
27 Ekim 2011 Perşembe
13:33 | Gönderen
salomé |
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Kendine söz ver!
Güçlü olacağına ve akıl huzurunu hiçbir şeyin bozmasına izin vermeyeceğine;
Karşılaştığın insanlarla sağlık, mutluluk ve bolluk konuşacağına;
Arkadaşlarına onlarda özel bir şey olduğunu hissettireceğine;
Her olayın aydınlık yanını göreceğine ve ışığı gören olacağına;
... Hep en iyiyi düşüneceğine,
En iyi için çalışacağına ve en iyinin geçekleşmesini umacağına;
Başkalarının başarılarına da kendi başarına sevindiğin kadar sevineceğine;
Geçmişte olan hataları unutacağına ve gelecekteki başarıları görmeye odaklanacağına, Her zaman neşeli bir yüz ifadesi taşımaya çalışacağına ve karşılaştığın her canlıya bir gülümseme sunacağına;
Kendini geliştirmek için çok zaman ayıracağından, başkalarını eleştirmeye zamanın kalmayacağına;
Endişelenmeyecek kadar geniş, kızmayacak kadar asil olacağına
Korkmayacak kadar cesur ve sorunların varoluşuna izin verebilecek kadar mutlu olacağına söz ver....
24 Temmuz 2011 Pazar
04:44 | Gönderen
salomé |
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Dear Mary,
please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that I forgive you.
When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together.
The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect.
You are imperfect, and so am l. All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters.
When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts.
He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don't get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them.
We can, however, choose our friends and I am glad I have chosen you.
Dr Bernard Hazelhof also said that everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts.
Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks.
Hopefully, one day our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk.
You are my best friend,
You are my only friend....
Your American penpal,
Max Jerry Horowitz.
5 Temmuz 2011 Salı
07:38 | Gönderen
salomé |
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Bazen ugruna savas verebılecek bırseyın olmadıgını dusunursun… bazen hersey savasa donusuverır…
Gözler yanar, sıkıntıdan patlar. Ne gecmısı dusunmek ne gelecekten korkmak ıster…bosvermek ıster
Ama kım gercekten bosverebılır? Kızın bırı bır keresınde ona yapılanları tamamen unutan ve affeden aptaldır demıstı. Unutmak yerıne hatırlamalıyız, hatırlayarak affetmelıyız demıstı.
Kız eskı unut ve affet felsefesını elestırme cesaretını gostermıstı ve soyledıklerınde de haklıydı
Pekı kım hatırlayarak affedebilir? Ancak gercekten olgun bir insan...
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